Awareness Days The Print Industry Should Be Aware Of

If you run your company’s social media accounts and are struggling to come up with ideas for content, then we’ve got a solution for you.

Awareness Days are national and international days of celebration for a specific topic… and believe me they can be incredibly specific. From tigers to vanilla ice cream and even emojis, there’s an awareness day for just about everything. While making posts about awareness days is a great way to connect with existing customers and expand your potential reach to new ones, it’s often better to stick to topics that are relevant to your industry and line of work.

As such, here’s a list of a few print, paper and packaging related awareness days that are coming up this year:

  • World Photography Day – 19th of August
    • The official website describes this day as “an annual, worldwide celebration of the art, craft, science and history of photography”. If you’re in the business of printing photos, or maybe even making photo paper, this is a perfect opportunity to join the global conversation. Talk about ways your brand has contributed to photography. Share some insight into the process, or maybe even run a photography competition.
  • International Dot Day – 15th of September
    • Founded by a teacher and his class after reading ‘The Dot’ by Peter H. Reynolds, Dot Day celebrates creativity, courage and collaboration. It’s about honouring the creative process, and the bravery it takes to put yourself so fully into something and trust that it will become something wonderful. Maybe you work in publishing and want to spotlight a particularly interesting book you printed. Perhaps your company makes signs and you’d like to showcase one that really caught your eye.
  • World Post Day – 9th of October
    • Pretty self-explanatory…who doesn’t want to celebrate post! This date marks the establishment of the Universal Post Union, which first allowed people to send letters all over the world. If you’re in the industry then you know just how important mail is. So, why not show your appreciation for the people who make it happen!
  • International Print Day – 19th of October
    • The big one! This year the goal is get print trending across the globe. It’s all about declaring your love for print and sharing your knowledge through social media. IPD founders want to educate and inform – talk about what you do in your role. Reach out to someone whose job you’d like to know more about. You’re never too experienced to learn something new about your industry!

These are just four relevant awareness days that you could write about. However, the joy of social media is that you can usually join in on all of them if your brand’s got the right energy. There’s a full list of 2022 Awareness Days on our Nutshell Creative blog if you want to see what else is in store. Just remember to use the relevant hashtags and not to stretch yourself into celebrating topics you aren’t comfortable having a discourse about just for the sake of reach.

If you think you could do with some help planning and implementing a social media strategy, we’ve got you covered! Get in touch and we’ll get talking.

26 July 2022
"There’s an awareness day for just about everything."

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